Together with Prof. Afrooz Barnoush (NTNU), we are preparing a Metals Journal Special issue on localized corrosion. The call for papers is open. Enter to learn more about the scope of the special issue and how to submit your manuscript.
Hydrogen Embrittlement of Industrial Components: Prediction, Prevention, and Models – Publication
Hydrogen embrittlement is a common, dangerous, and poorly understood cause of failure in many metal alloys. This article presents a model based on the correlation of mechanical properties to scanning electron microscopy fractography analysis of fracture surfaces in the presence of simultaneously active hydrogen embrittlement micro-mechanisms.
Tribute to Professor José Rodolfo Galvele
The year 2016 marked the 40th anniversary of Prof. Galvele, critical acidification model. CORROSION Journal dedicated January’s issue (CORROSION Vol. 73 Issue no. 1) to honor Galvele’s legacy.
Sulfide stress cracking of nickel-containing low-alloy steels
Low alloy steels with a nickel content greater than 1% are not allowed in sour service applications. This paper reviews the effect of nickel on the hydrogen embrittlement performance of low alloy steels.