This article shows how biological electrochemical reactions can be used to bioremediate hexavalent chromate, i.e., Cr6+ or Cr(VI), waste waters in the presence of other potentially toxic species used in chromate conversion coatings.
microbially induced corrosion
Efficacy of sterilization methods and their influence on the electrochemical behavior of plain carbon steel – Publication
Sample sterilization is a crucial step in microbially induced corrosion (MIC) research that is usually overlooked. In this regard, metal sterilization procedures should not alter the surface nor affect the inherent susceptibility of the metal to corrosion while adequately deactivating biological activity. So, are all sterilization methods the same? Do they alter the corrosion response of the sample being investigated?
To find out go ahead and get a copy of the manuscript!
Use of an electrochemical split cell technique to evaluate the influence of shewanella oneidensis activities on corrosion of carbon steel — Publication
This post summarizes the outcome of an investigation on microbially induced corrosion by shewanella oneidensis, an iron-reducing bacteria. Get your copy!
Fault tree analysis for fungal corrosion of coated aluminum
A fault tree methodology has been used to analyze the combinations of basic factors involved in fungal degradation and corrosion.